How to Cook Nutritious and Flavorful Dishes with OUR Food 2

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Food our diet contains vegetables grain fruit milk eggs butter and meat when our body feels hugry it tells us that it is in need of food our body works when we play eat walk breathe OUR Food or run some parts of our body for example heat keep working even when we are asleep so we need a lot of energy ti do all these works and we obtain this energy from the food we eat protein Food our diet contains vegetables grain fruit milk eggs butter and meat when our body feels hugry it tells us that it is in need of food our body works when we play eat walk breathe OUR Food
How to Cook Food for a Large Gathering OUR Food
protein help us to grow that is why children need a lot of protein something they are called body building nutrient because they our food help in body growth vitamins save our body against disease but we need only a little amount of them unlike other nutrient vitamins do not provide energy to our body but they help our body to grow properly
Must-Try Food Recipes for Food Lovers our food
mineral keep us healthy and fit they are also called protective food mineral are found in vegetables fruit milk and cereals some minerals are needed in small quantities while some are needed in large quantities carbohydrates carbohydrates are energetic nutrients we get a lot of energy from carbohydrates they are also called energy giving nutrient sugar glucose and starch are common our food
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carbohydrates also improtant for the growth of our body rice wheat potatoes maize honey sugarcane etc are rich in carbohydrates keep working even when we are asleep so we need a lot of energy ti do all these works and we obtain this energy from the food we eat protein protein help us to grow that is why children need a lot of protein
Essential Kitchen Tools for Food Enthusiasts
The fibrous parts of vegetable furits and cereals cellulose celluloseforms the fibre content in food and is called roughage dietry fibre or roughage is the part of vegetable food that cannot be digested althrough it does not have any nutritive value it is needed in our diet it performs the following function in our body it is effective in regulating the process of digestion it prevent constipation it help in the regular movement of the bowels it help the food to pass down the alimentary canal properly
What Are the Health Benefits of Organic Food?
Moisture is necessary for the growth ofbacteria and fungi if the food is dried or dehydrated it can be preserved for a longer period because germs cannot grow without water this method is used to preserve many fruits and vegetable name the fruit and vegetable that your mother dries and keeps at home
How to Cook Delicious Meals with OUR Food
every person has a farvouit i also have a farouite food ouris pizza i admire andand and love taste a lot pizza is an italin food but now it iscpopular worldwide and it is liked by people of every agegroup there is nothing more delicious than a work of pizza those healthy tomatoescheese mushrooms pepperoni and herds make it even tastier i cannot of my day as a snake i prefer pizza because
How to Properly Store OUR Food for Freshness
cheese is healthy for body it is very easy to make pizza athome too alayer of dougy is covere withthenplaced in oven and after some time pizza is ready ieve ask my mother to make pizza for me she make the bestpizza in this world when i am out with
The Ultimate Guide to Cooking with OUR Food
my friends to eat at restaurant piza is always my first choice my mouth begins watering the moment isee pizza in front of methe favoite foot refects our personal taste. i enjoy cooking food myseif butncthing can top the flavoursome food my mother cooks i never